Tantric Massage

Tantra is founded on this Interconnection and Unity of the Universe. Through the intimate connection of body and universe, we can understand how sex and orgasm can be seen as a cosmic and divine experience. Sex may be used by Tantric’s to heighten their energies, consciousness, and connection to the universe – which can aid healing (peace, wholeness, power, bliss) and growth (self esteem). It is a path of inner union and ultimately union with divine. Tantra is a path to enlightenment.

In Tantra we know that if we create on the outer level what we wish to experience on the inner level that it will be easier to achieve this. Thus, we dress ourselves and create our environment into that which best expresses what we want to find in ourselves and our relationship. We have created the outer for you in order to bring forth these qualities in each of you and in your love-making.

The human being does not exist in isolation, but is part of the One and is connected to all other matter in the universe. Tantra is founded on this Interconnection and Unity of the Universe. Through the intimate connection of body and universe, we can understand how sex and orgasm can be seen as a cosmic and divine experience. Sex may be used by Tantric’s to heighten their energies, consciousness, and connection to the universe – which can aid healing (peace, wholeness, power, bliss) and growth (self esteem).

Tantra offers you a way to let go of limiting beliefs and wake up to the knowledge of who you really are. In India this ancient tradition teaches us to honor both the feminine and the masculine within ourselves, and helps us to cultivate their union in a balanced way. It is a path of inner union and ultimately union with divine.

Tantra is sexuality in a spiritual context. It’s methods are natural, joyful, and life-affirming. In all the great traditions of Sacred Sexuality, a sexual shaman works with sexual energy to open the heart, expand consciousness, and heal body, mind, & spirit. Sexual healing is too often left out of holistic health care, and yet can be essential to a person’s true unfoldment.

Tantra is a path to enlightenment. It is nicknamed the “science of ecstasy” and focuses on heightening and prolonging the special awareness and rapport that exists between lovers during lovemaking. This view holds that the greatest source of energy in the universe is sexual, and places high value on ritualized intercourse. Sexual orgasm is seen as a cosmic and divine experience.

Through slow and thoughtful practice in lovemaking techniques, you learn to comfortably extend the time of lovemaking. In this way you train yourself to be aware of not only your own feelings but also those of your partner, and ultimately all others through your partner. In this way, you use your sexual energy to merge ecstatically with your partner and through (and with) them you become one with all. Rather than having sex for your own pleasure only, you have sex for the sake of giving love to all beings.

Tantric philosophy also teaches that everything is to be experienced playfully, yet with awareness and a sense of sacredness in every gesture, every sensory perception, and every action.

There are many, many benefits. The greatest benefit is the awakening of an inner joy that you may have never known was there. You become able to open your heart to yourself at a deep level and make changes in your life that are aligned with your heart’s desires. In addition, by gaining mastery of your sexual energy, you manifest loving and fulfilling relationships, expand your capacity for spiritual ecstasy, and improve your health and vitality.

Tantric sex is meditative, spontaneous and very intimate lovemaking. You learn to prolong the act of making love and to focus on, rather than dispel, potent orgasmic energies moving through you, thereby raising the level of your consciousness. Tantra transports sexuality from simply doing to actually being. There is no end goal in Tantric sex, only the present moment of an ideal, harmonious union. Tantra teaches you to worship your sexual partner and to transform the act of sex into a sacrament of love. Lovemaking between two partners, when entered with awareness, can be a gateway to sexual and spiritual ecstasy alike. Tantric sex attempts to awaken powerful psychic energies within through which we can enter into higher states of consciousness.

Tantric sexual practices involve heightening sexual energy so that it can be utilized for spiritual growth and healing. They help you embrace the divine nature of your sexual energy and learn to flow it to the upper energy centers of your body, particularly your heart. When you do that, your sexual energy becomes a vehicle for the expression of love. In lovemaking there is an emphasis on igniting the woman’s shakti (female sexual energy) which is seen as the creative doorway to the divine and therefore a sacred gift to men. When this happens a powerful circuitry of energy occurs which increases the vibration of love between partners.

In order to experience ecstasy it is important to clear the path in the body – and that means healing emotional wounds stored in your cellular memory. With the guidance of an instructor, you can dissolve barriers that limit you and find a whole new level of freedom in your body and mind. In addition, because we live in a patriarchal world, most people experience disharmony between the male and female aspects of the psyche. Healing work helps bring about the integration of these parts of yourself, which is essential to manifesting healthy loving relationships.