yabyum-classica-tankaGoogle the word “tantra” under images, and it won’t take you too long to find an image of a God and Goddess sat in a special posture called “Yab-Yum”. Often a large Buddha-like man with a smaller Dakini woman sat in his lap, her legs wrapped around his waist. Not only is this a posture seen in ancient tantric artwork, but it is also something you will very likely experience before too long if you go to a Tantra workshop…you are often invited to sit in this pose with a partner.

But what is “Yab-Yum” and what’s it all about?

Yab-Yum is the symbol of divine union. It is the posture in which man and women are united between Heaven and Earth. Both genders are sat upright, a classic meditation posture. In many love-making postures, one of the couple are underneath the other. But in Yab-Yum, both are equally sat upright.

“Yab-Yum” is a Tibetan term meaning “father-mother”. In Tibetan Tantra it is about the union of Compassion and Truth/ Wisdom. In Indian Tantra it is about the masculine as a passive meditator with the feminine as a dancing shakti in his lap…pure awareness meeting pure energy. On a metaphysical level, Yab-Yum represents the union of dualistic forms in order to attain transcendence. In other words, when we bring apparent opposites together in love, we can enter a state beyond normal consciousness, a state of oneness or unity consciousness. A remembrance of who we are beyond name and form… This is the ultimate goal of Tantra.

The Yab-Yum Alignment
It has long been known by meditators that to sit in a vertical stance is to align one’s crown with the heavenly skies, and one’s root chakra on the earth below. This gives the meditator a sense of their place between Heaven and Earth. In Tantra, the Earth is the divine feminine force (mother earth) and the Heavens are the divine masculine force (father sky). Any seasoned meditator will tell you that meditating lying down is not the same as sitting upright. The enlightenment always happens in the vertical position…hence other statues of deities will most often be in a sitting pose.

So Yab-Yum, often thought of as a love-making posture, is actually the ultimate posture for tantric meditation for a couple.

yabyum-classicUse of Yab-Yum
A couple may sit in Yab-Yum and meditate upon the energy flow through their bodies. Not only can the Heaven-Earth polarity flow, but the couples’ own energy systems are aligned. Their chakras, or energy vortices, are connected.

Because it is about meditating upon energy, Yab-Yum can be used with clothes on and still be highly effective. However, some couples choose to use Yab Yum as part of love-making and meditation. The root chakras can actually be physically connected, with the lingam inside the yoni (that’s tantric-speak for “the penis inside the vagina”). Then the sexual connection is there and at the same time the couple are open all the way to the crown, enabling them to channel energy from sex to spirit.

A couple may go straight into Yab Yum and meditate there. But they can also enter this posture at the end of a love-making session. By using other sexual postures first, they can move more energy, and then come into Yab-Yum at the end to sublime the energies into more refined levels. The posture may be combined with other techniques such as tantric breathwork, sublimation techniques or meditation tools (learn these from a trained teacher).

The Paradox of Yab-Yum
Something that makes Yab-Yum very special is that it truly combines sex and spirit. It truly combines love making with meditation…thus Yab-Yum is the essence of Tantra. It is a symbol, it is a practice, it is the essence. Some choose to sit in this pose, others use a statue or image to contemplate or meditate upon.

It can be very powerful for modern day people to see Yab-Yum. With our world of over-stimulated sexual imagery, pornography and media, to witness union in peace and stillness can be an instant paradox to such a conditioned mind. If two fully-clothed people are sat in YabYum together, it is not explicit, nor illegal, it’s not graphic nor sordid….yet it is surprising, it is a paradox. People are so used to sex being a shadow, that to see it in its innocence and in a meditative light is a shock to the conditioned mind.

How to bring Yab-Yum into your life
You may want to get hold of an appealing Yab-Yum image to contemplate, or even a beautiful statue. Sit 10 to 20 minutes gazing upon the image and watch any energy that moves through your body. Breathe deeply to let the energy flow freely. Afterwards close your eyes and direct the energy up your spine to your crown and watch the energy accumulate at the crown.

If you have a partner, then perhaps suggest that you meditate in this pose. Simply sit in Yab-Yum, breathe deeply with open mouths. Breathe all the way down to the genitals, else energy cannot move. Close your eyes and watch any energy flow you can feel in your body. You can even speak it to one another “I am noticing a tingling feeling behind my pubic bone”, “I am noticing a warmth in my sacrum”, I am noticing a pulsation above the navel”…and so on. Try not to judge or label your sensations, but describe them directly, as if describing a flower to a blind man.

End the meditation with your foreheads touching, looking inwardly at the third eye point.

The Kulasvari Temple Priestess is a mystery by nature. As one who embodies the divine, she projects her individuality, personality, and skill through her unique being.  Trained in tantric sensual arts, she is unashamed of her body or level of expertise. She is abundantly free and beautiful! The adornments, jewelry, and makeup only accent the light that radiates through her. She may be of service to many people but she is a Temple Priestess, however, because she is called to this work from within herself, her heart, and her spirit.

Temple Arts

Training in the temple arts, the Temple Priestess becomes a conduit for the sacred energy (kundalini) of Goddess, or the divine female. The Goddess she embodies is multifaceted.  As Tantrika, she draws attention to the senses to the point that mental activity takes back seat to experience, offering opportunities for initiates to experience a state of oneness with body, soul, and place.  As Muse she is an inspiring gust of fresh air one to embrace desires, needs, sensations, intuition, instincts, and dreams.


As Dakini, she teaches us to be intolerant of anything, which dishonors our spirit.  She works to assist us in becoming aware of false projections and negative imprints by creating sacred space in which all impurities, even those passed down through the generations may be heated up and melted away in the blazing fire of Shakti.

Boldness & Devotion

In the many spiritual lineages it is considered the greatest honor to be initiated into the Mysteries by a Temple Priestess. The responsibility certainly requires an expertise on the part of the woman, as well as the importance of her sacred role of infusing boldness and power into her partner, acting as an initiator. Through her training, transmission and devotion, she carries the sacred knowledge and power; and through her it is imparted to others.

The transmission of information can come from anyone, but initiation can come only from one that is skilled in the art of transferring the power on a subtle level to make the information effective. This training is crucial to her significant role as initiator, for it is she who ignites the spiritual fire, or Shakti.

Tradition of the Goddess

Working knowledge and inner tradition of the Goddess continues through the ancient spiritual practice of Tantra, honoring the female as a form of the Divine, and sensuality as a path to enlightenment. Their shared values are love, affection, genuine relationships, music, poetry, being in touch with nature, and the interconnectedness of life. Their truest, deepest values are those, which transcend the mind, and delve into the irrational world of feeling and the deeper layers of life.  This is one of the reasons the teachings of Tantra are so precious. They offer us a glimpse of a world with great reverence for sensuality, pleasure, and magic in the natural world, and ourselves as divine.

shamanic tantraLike traditional tantra, shamanic tantra is a path to enlightenment through the body, a spiritual practice that teaches us to be in the now and to open ourselves up to more bliss, joy, and connection to spirit by connecting our sexuality and our spirituality. Drawing from Wiccan, Druidic, and Shamanic roots, Shamanic tantra differs from traditional tantra in working extremely intuitively and in its strong connection to the earth. We have created the six gateways to sacred sexuality as an attempt to structure the work of shamanic tantra for teaching, but by its nature, shamanic tantra is fluid and guided through each person’s connection to the divine, and their sense of what is right for them.

What are the Six Gateways to Sacred Sexuality?

The journey to enlightenment can take many roads. The six gateways are a path that works for us. Red Lotus Tantra have intuitively created this road map for discovering the bliss that is created when we connect spirituality to sexuality. This is a practice that can be used alone or with a partner. These steps are not necessarily practiced in order. In fact, they seem to interweave and spiral with each other, spirals being a geometric pattern often used to describe earth-centered spirituality, where linear motion from point a to point b is rare.

The First Gateway: Connecting to Spirit

This is where we begin in shamanic tantra, in a belief that something greater than us is willing and able to connect with us and bring us healing. This is also where we end in shamanic tantra, so that the six gateways become a spiraling circle of practice, rather than a linear journey. Through our connection to spirit, we learn to connect not only to the divine, but to ourselves, and to see that we too are divine beings. We do this mostly through meditation, visualization, and trance journey, familiarizing ourselves with the feeling of spirit moving within us before moving forward.

The Second Gateway: Breathing Love

In both traditional and shamanic tantra, love is the key to everything. Opening our hearts and keeping them open is a foundational practice. Understand that this is different from being “in love” in the romantic sense. An open heart applies to everyone you meet in the world, and is the most profound state of joy and bliss imaginable when attained. The most powerful tool I have discovered for opening the heart and then keeping it open, is the breath. Daily practice of various breath techniques, as well as simply remembering to breathe through a painful or difficult emotion, is the first step to opening ourselves to bliss and joy. In consort practice, we learn to breathe together, synchronizing breath in an attempt to synchronize our energies.

The Third Gateway: Soul Gazing

Soul gazing is the process of looking deeply within and connecting, first with ourselves, and then with a partner. This practice is most easily begun alone, through insight meditation and then through mirror gazing. Once you are comfortable with these solo practices, then it is easier to move into gazing into the eyes of a partner to connect and allow them to see the divine essence within you.

The Fourth Gateway: Channeling the Dragon

The sexual life force energy that flows through the body has many names, but my favorite comes from the gaelic: ”nwyvre”, which means “dragon fire”. In shamanic tantra we learn to channel this fire and to move it throughout our bodies to create a state of intense aliveness. Part of this work specifically focuses on balancing and clearing blockages in the energy centers of the body, also called chakras in traditional tantra, which brings a greater openness to moving ecstatic energies through the body, as well as increased health and vitality.

The Fifth Gateway: The 16 Elements of Ecstasy

Astrologers believe that all of us are imprinted with clusters of elemental energies at the time of our birth. The 16 elements of ecstasy are the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water broken down into their light and dark, masculine and feminine components. We can commune with these elements that are both within us and all around us in nature through touch, movement, trance journey, visualization, and ceremony. The free flow of energy through the body and the creation of a feeling of connectedness to all that is depends on both elements and chakras being in harmony. Balancing and connecting to these energies allows us to lead more balanced and connected lives. The elements and the dragon energies are intertwined in the practice, and often a moving back and forth between the two is required for deep healing of emotional, mental, sexual, and spiritual blocks.

The Sixth Gateway: Divine Union

In solo work, divine union describes a marriage of the masculine and feminine energies within the self, balancing our tendencies to be active, for instance, with our ability to receive, so that our inner masculine and feminine energies work together in harmony. Divine union also explores our connection with the natural world, with the life force energy in the spirits of the plants, the rocks, and the animals. In consort practice, divine union becomes the place where we merge completely with the god or goddess in our partner so that we no longer have the need for boundaries between us. This merging can only come after a sense of safety has been created through work with the previous five steps, where we learn to be strongly centered and balanced within our own energetic and emotional fields. The practice of divine union is the ultimate goal of shamanic tantra, to merge our life force energy with all that is, through the experience of the body.

Returning to the First Gateway: Re-connecting to Spirit

Once we have gone deeply into union with another or with ourselves, we cycle back to our connection with spirit, to the safety and protection of being grounded in the earth and open to the sky. We let go of any need to cling to another person to experience the bliss of this union. The beauty of this path is that once our bodies have experienced the bliss of the deeply connected divine union with another, we can return to that again and again through our connection with spirit. Because there is no scarcity of love in the universe, we can draw on this whenever we want, only now we are not drawing from another person, we are drawing from source.

Practicing With or Without a Partner

Many of our clients complain that they have no partner to practice with, or that their partner is not interested in practicing tantra. It is perfectly acceptable to practice tantra alone. In fact, traditional tantra was first taught solo, to allow the student to master the complex spiritual practices of breathwork, energy movement, and meditation before coming into union with a partner.

In shamanic tantra, we work to bridge our beginning point into the heart of sacred sexuality. For those who are more spiritually inclined, solo practice is often the place to begin exploring, because it is what is most comfortable. If you are practicing solo, I encourage you to try self pleasuring with the exercises once you are comfortable with the practices, BEFORE you move into practicing with a consort. For women, I often encourage they use some sort of sex toy for self pleasuring, so that it is an effortless practice, and they can concentrate on the breathing and balancing practices they have already learned.

If you are coming into shamanic tantra from a place of wanting to enhance your sexuality, then consort practice is a great place to begin, and slowly begin to bring the practices into your lovemaking. Like any other new endeavor, it is best to begin slowly, with the more simple exercises, and then progress into more complex work. If you are extremely sexual and do not have a partner, then begin by slowly introducing the gateway practices into your masturbation. Especially if you are using a lot of fantasy to become aroused, a large part of the work will be to learn to be fully present in self-pleasure. This can be difficult for some, and the ability to climax in your traditional way may elude you. This is natural in light of the fact that you are rewiring your pleasure centers. Learning to drop into and allow each touch to be arousing and to let go of the goal of orgasm leads eventually to a place where sexual arousal becomes larger and richer, and orgasms begin to take on an intensity and duration previously unknown.

Any man can become “multi-orgasmic”.

It only requires a basic understanding of male sexuality and certain techniques.

Most men’s sexuality is focused on the goal of ejaculating, rather than on the actual process of lovemaking. Once a man becomes multi-orgasmic he will not only be able to better satisfy himself, but also more effectively satisfy his partner. 

Multiple orgasm versus Ejaculatory orgasm. Both begin in the same way, moving from arousal until a point near ejaculation or “point of no return”. At this point a man will experience a series of genital contractions lasting three to five seconds. These contractions are “pelvic orgasms” and at first feel like a “fluttering” or mild release of pressure. Once identified and controlled, these sensations will become progressively more intense. When approaching “the point of no return” the goal is not to crest over into ejaculation but to decrease stimulation, just long enough to gain control over the arousal rate. Effective control can be achieved by squeezing the PC muscles. Learning to control the PC muscles is essential to sexual health and stamina.

How is multiple orgasm possible? The first key to understanding how men can have multiple orgasms is to understand that orgasm and ejaculation are distinct events, which one can learn to distinguish and separate. Most men have always accepted orgasm and ejaculation as one because they happen in such rapid succession, orgasm beginning slightly before (ejaculation) then tapering off during ejaculation. The second key to navigating the path to multiple orgasm is gaining the ability to separate orgasm and ejaculation. The ability to separate these events involves the pubococcygeal muscle, or pelvic floor muscle, or “PC muscle” as it’s more commonly known. You may know this muscle for its ability to stop the flow of urine in mid-stream. If stopping the flow is difficult, you have a weak PC muscle. If this is the case you will need to work on strengthening the PC muscle before you’ll be able to have multiple orgasms. If you squeeze or contract the PC muscle you should feel like everything deep in your pelvis is being drawn upward.

To learn more about becoming a mulit orgasmic man explore our tantra sessions.


Red Lotus Tantra tantric path

The word tantra comes from India and Tibet. It is the science and the art of being alive, based on practices that consciously explore life experientially. This practical exploration covers:

  • what does it mean to be a man? to be a woman? how can men and women really meet?
  • what is the depth of love? what is the height of sex?
  • how to create a fulfilling relationship without fear of rejection while staying true to yourself?
  • what is god/spirit?
  • what is death and how can it have meaning?
  • Desire, passion, pleasure – are they selfish or can they be spiritual?
  • how to be attached – committed, caring, passionate – and at the same time non-attached – selfless, tranquil, trusting?
  • What is the sense of life?
  • What is the most beneficial interaction between body, mind and spirit?
  • what is the nature of experience and perception? what is the relationship between the perceiver and the perceived?
  • how is consciousness different from thinking?
  • how do I distinguish truth from illusion?
  • how to feel more alive, become more charismatic and attractive to others?
  • how to create the reality that fulfills you?

In fact all the fundamental questions of life.

Tantra has answers to all these questions: it also has many explanations of how life works based on an understanding of energy, which is not part of our mechanistic culture, yet a grasp of which enables us to interact creatively with many aspects of life that were previously mysterious forces by which we were helplessly buffeted: relationships, love, sexuality, fate.
Above all, tantra does not prescribe answers: unlike a religion, it does not tell you what to think and believe. It gives you structures to explore these themes experientially and personally, and then to come to your own conclusions based on these experiences. The only authority in tantra is your own heart, your own sense of what is true for you and what your spirit needs to follow.
If you are interested in these burning life questions, if you want to find your own answers not just be given them by a higher authority, if you want to spend time with other people who want to explore what is the sense of life and how relationships function, then tantra is for you. It covers the subjects they didn’t dare explore at school!

Tantra is for free thinkers, for rebels, for non-conformists,
for seekers of alternatives,

for lovers, and lovers of life,
for truth seekers,
for seekers of excitement, for seekers of tranquility,
for seekers of meaning, making sense of existence,

for seekers of pleasure and delight,
for those who seek god,
for those who seek themselves.

What can the tantric path offer me?

  • Enjoy more energy and aliveness
  • Develop the ability to relax, to get out of your head, and be open to experience life in the moment
  • open your heart to love – of yourself and of your partner
  • find more sensitivity to touch and to energy
  • experience lovemaking as an exchange of energy
  • connect your sex with your heart and your spirit
  • feel your value and beauty, feel your desirability
  • experience many ways of enjoying and expressing and sharing sexual energy as well as or instead of genital sex
  • Develop witness consciousness to not have your buttons pressed, but be free of self destructive behaviour
  • Find freedom from addiction and obsessiveness
  • learn to become more present and focused
  • learn how to keep a long-term partnership alive and sexy
  • learn how to prolong lovemaking and choose when and if to ejaculate
  • be able to surrender to the pleasurable streamings of aliveness and energy through your body
  • free yourself from self-consciousness and self-criticism and experience life directly and immediately.
  • Be free to choose the reality you wish to create and live.

The Background of western tantra.

The word tantra has several meanings, one of which is that of “scriptures”, words of wisdom that have been taught orally by a teacher, and then written down, words of experience rather than words of a theory or philosophy. Many texts go back as much as 4000 years, and the wisdom itself is thought to come from pre-vedic, tribal times. The body of knowledge is arrestingly similar to that taught as fire medicine in the native American tradition, and there is good reason to believe that it is the remains of an ancient culture from times when people lived close to the earth, the goddess was honoured, and the relationship between men and women was not an expression of property but a celebration of the the mystery of life, seen in the macrocosm as the embrace of the sun and the earth, and in the microcosm as the miracle of perception embodied in the dance of Shiva and Shakti as consciousness and energy, sperm and egg meeting to create new life.

With the advent of the major religions tantra went underground, and became an esoteric tradition that still exists in quiet places, but maligned and distorted by the public imagination – in the West as sex orgies, in India as black magic. This successfully frightens many people away from experiencing its life enhancing and consciousness expanding teachings.

Tantra divides into two major traditions: the right-handed path and the left-handed path. Both see the universe arising out of the ecstatic dance and sexual union of the feminine and masculine principles, energy and consciousness, represented in the forms of god and goddess.

The right-handed path works with the sexual energy through sublimation, visualization, and meditation as worship of these principles.

The left-handed path challenges the follower to embody these energies, to become the god or the goddess and manifest energy and consciousness in themselves, in their thoughts and actions, in their awareness.

The left handed path is practiced not only by professionals, priests or monks withdrawn from life, but by ordinary women and men living in the middle of life, in the market place. Relationships, and especially one’s primary sexual relationship, can therefore become the conscious spiritual path of growth.

Instead of repressing desire and sexuality and pleasure as a distraction from the spiritual path of transcendence, the student gives the self into it completely, letting it become the tattva, the gateway, through which to lose the ego in the surrender to that which is greater than the self. Desire followed with totality and abandon takes one beyond, beyond the duality of attachment or non-attachment,

guilty or not guilty, sexual or spiritual, into being innocently in bliss.

In the 1970s the Indian mystic Osho, previously known as Rajneesh or Baghwan, created a blend of tantra and humanistic psychotherapy that became tantra for the West. This was brought to Europe by Margot Anand as SkyDancing Tantra, by Michael Plesse and Gabriele St Clair of Orgoville International to Germany, and in a later wave by Sarita in France/UK and Astiko in Spain as Osho neo-tantra. Daniel Odier teaches Kashmiri Shivaite tantra in Paris. Margot trained teachers in 1991-2 and set up SkyDancing Institutes in the USA, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and France, including that in the UK directed by John Hawken.

Some traditionally-minded tantric students and practitioners fear that the practice of left-handed tantra without long preparation and real dedication can debase the legacy of tantra and entangle workshop participants deeper in their own egos. There are indeed many tantra teachers who offer, and participants happy to consume, tantra as a new age entertainment and social activity. The attempt to simultaneously bring together sexuality and spirituality is a high endeavour. Yet if a serious student finds an experienced and inspiring teacher she or he can live moments of transcendence and empowerment, and create lasting personal transformation. And the path, the journey itself, is full of insights, moments of joy, and positive change.

Article written by John Hawken, The Tantric Path 


The ancient wisdom from the East teaches us about the energies of life, love and sexuality and how we can unite body, mind and soul and turn our lives into a sacred practice. Here amongst how we can use our sexual energy as a tool to reach the highest ecstasy, in the meeting with our beloved. Tantra is a way of living that makes us present in the moment, in a state of relaxation and awareness.

Through an intensive awakening of the sexual pleasure and sensitivity, we can expand and refine our state of consciousness, using and controlling the sexual energy in and up through the body, instead of loosing it through discharging orgasms. In Tantra the erotic fusion between man and woman, is a tool to reach the greatest ecstasy, the highest consciousness, the Supreme Being.

tantra temple canadaTantra is a revolutionary approach to life that offers us to live life with intensity and awareness. With Tantra we go through life by saying “yes”. It is an attitude towards life, always staying open and alert to the deeper content of our experiences. It is a state of acceptance where we include and embrace life in order to expand the consciousness and horizons of our being. It is nowadays a common misunderstanding that Tantra is only a set of erotic exercises, only possible for acrobats, or a set of mental exercises without erotic union. The erotic part of Tantra is around 10 % of a whole science of how to live life. Therefore sexuality is a natural part of Tantra, just as natural as the wisdom of how to be happy and healthy. Tantra teaches that everything is energy and how to use, increase and refine energy in our lives in all areas.

The tantric approach on sexuality

Due to the enormous intensity of this erotic union, the consciousness of both partners develops and fuses, at the beginning between them selves and later with the Cosmic Consciousness. The indescribable beatitude then felt embraces all things and beings. All that still subsists is a never-ending thirst for unity, only a Lover and a Loved-one. Tantra is a genuine and exceptional path which puts sexuality in its right place, recreating the missing spiritual dimension of the sexual experience. This practice expands the human consciousness to the greatest extent and considerably enriches the knowledge of Man and the Universe. Tantra is much more than an old rediscovered wisdom from the East and much more than a theoretical science. Tantra is a practical path with clear steps, ready to be taken by the ones hungry to experience and understand the full potential of life.

Controlling the sexual energy

One of the Tantric, essential deeds, is to have full control over the sexual energy, which makes it possible to experience orgasms in the whole body without ejaculating. The orgasm and the ejaculation are 2 different mechanisms. The orgasm comes first with a great amount of energy and pleasure which can attract the ejaculation and therefore it is a general misunderstanding that these are one and the same process. But a gradual training can separate these 2 mechanisms, which makes the man able to experience long lasting multiple orgasms, without loosing one drop of seamen and the woman to have deep orgasms without any discharge of energy. We can through the Tantric lovemaking build up more pleasure and intensity, which leaves us full of energy instead of being exhausted. On the contrary we will obtain and regenerate a lot of energy. And the communion in the couple relationship will become deeper and create more love and happiness. The man will become more masculine, be able to experience more pleasure, get control over his energy and be fully present with his woman. The woman will become more feminine, open herself for deeper orgasms, become able to let go and surrender to the man.

How to experience tantra through massage

The Tantra Massage is a deeply relaxing, rejuvenating and healing experience that awakens your sensitivity and energy, and increases your capacity to experience more pleasure.

In the Tantra Massage the erotic energy is awakened in a controlled way, where the energy is spread out in the body and used as a way to heal the body, mind and soul. In stead of loosing energy through ejaculation and explosive orgasms, you will learn to circulate and raise the erotic energy to even higher states of pleasure and be fully energized and satisfied on all levels.


Tantric Massage

Tantra is founded on this Interconnection and Unity of the Universe. Through the intimate connection of body and universe, we can understand how sex and orgasm can be seen as a cosmic and divine experience. Sex may be used by Tantric’s to heighten their energies, consciousness, and connection to the universe – which can aid healing (peace, wholeness, power, bliss) and growth (self esteem). It is a path of inner union and ultimately union with divine. Tantra is a path to enlightenment.

In Tantra we know that if we create on the outer level what we wish to experience on the inner level that it will be easier to achieve this. Thus, we dress ourselves and create our environment into that which best expresses what we want to find in ourselves and our relationship. We have created the outer for you in order to bring forth these qualities in each of you and in your love-making.

The human being does not exist in isolation, but is part of the One and is connected to all other matter in the universe. Tantra is founded on this Interconnection and Unity of the Universe. Through the intimate connection of body and universe, we can understand how sex and orgasm can be seen as a cosmic and divine experience. Sex may be used by Tantric’s to heighten their energies, consciousness, and connection to the universe – which can aid healing (peace, wholeness, power, bliss) and growth (self esteem).

Tantra offers you a way to let go of limiting beliefs and wake up to the knowledge of who you really are. In India this ancient tradition teaches us to honor both the feminine and the masculine within ourselves, and helps us to cultivate their union in a balanced way. It is a path of inner union and ultimately union with divine.

Tantra is sexuality in a spiritual context. It’s methods are natural, joyful, and life-affirming. In all the great traditions of Sacred Sexuality, a sexual shaman works with sexual energy to open the heart, expand consciousness, and heal body, mind, & spirit. Sexual healing is too often left out of holistic health care, and yet can be essential to a person’s true unfoldment.

Tantra is a path to enlightenment. It is nicknamed the “science of ecstasy” and focuses on heightening and prolonging the special awareness and rapport that exists between lovers during lovemaking. This view holds that the greatest source of energy in the universe is sexual, and places high value on ritualized intercourse. Sexual orgasm is seen as a cosmic and divine experience.

Through slow and thoughtful practice in lovemaking techniques, you learn to comfortably extend the time of lovemaking. In this way you train yourself to be aware of not only your own feelings but also those of your partner, and ultimately all others through your partner. In this way, you use your sexual energy to merge ecstatically with your partner and through (and with) them you become one with all. Rather than having sex for your own pleasure only, you have sex for the sake of giving love to all beings.

Tantric philosophy also teaches that everything is to be experienced playfully, yet with awareness and a sense of sacredness in every gesture, every sensory perception, and every action.

There are many, many benefits. The greatest benefit is the awakening of an inner joy that you may have never known was there. You become able to open your heart to yourself at a deep level and make changes in your life that are aligned with your heart’s desires. In addition, by gaining mastery of your sexual energy, you manifest loving and fulfilling relationships, expand your capacity for spiritual ecstasy, and improve your health and vitality.

Tantric sex is meditative, spontaneous and very intimate lovemaking. You learn to prolong the act of making love and to focus on, rather than dispel, potent orgasmic energies moving through you, thereby raising the level of your consciousness. Tantra transports sexuality from simply doing to actually being. There is no end goal in Tantric sex, only the present moment of an ideal, harmonious union. Tantra teaches you to worship your sexual partner and to transform the act of sex into a sacrament of love. Lovemaking between two partners, when entered with awareness, can be a gateway to sexual and spiritual ecstasy alike. Tantric sex attempts to awaken powerful psychic energies within through which we can enter into higher states of consciousness.

Tantric sexual practices involve heightening sexual energy so that it can be utilized for spiritual growth and healing. They help you embrace the divine nature of your sexual energy and learn to flow it to the upper energy centers of your body, particularly your heart. When you do that, your sexual energy becomes a vehicle for the expression of love. In lovemaking there is an emphasis on igniting the woman’s shakti (female sexual energy) which is seen as the creative doorway to the divine and therefore a sacred gift to men. When this happens a powerful circuitry of energy occurs which increases the vibration of love between partners.

In order to experience ecstasy it is important to clear the path in the body – and that means healing emotional wounds stored in your cellular memory. With the guidance of an instructor, you can dissolve barriers that limit you and find a whole new level of freedom in your body and mind. In addition, because we live in a patriarchal world, most people experience disharmony between the male and female aspects of the psyche. Healing work helps bring about the integration of these parts of yourself, which is essential to manifesting healthy loving relationships.

Tantra is a revolutionary approach to life that offers us to live life with intensity and awareness. With Tantra we go through life by saying “yes”. It is an attitude towards life, always staying open and alert to the deeper content of our experiences. It is a state of acceptance where we include and embrace life in order to expand the consciousness and horizons of our being.

It is nowadays a common misunderstanding that Tantra is only a set of erotic exercises, only possible for acrobats, or a set of mental exercises without erotic union. The erotic part of Tantra is around 10 % of a whole science of how to live life. Therefore sexuality is a natural part of Tantra, just as natural as the wisdom of how to be happy and healthy. Tantra teaches that everything is energy and how to use, increase and refine energy in our lives in all areas.

The tantric approach on sexuality

Due to the enormous intensity of this erotic union, the consciousness of both partners develops and fuses, at the beginning between them selves and later with the Cosmic Consciousness. The indescribable beatitude then felt embraces all things and beings. All that still subsists is a never-ending thirst for unity, only a Lover and a Loved-one. Tantra is a genuine and exceptional path which puts sexuality in its right place, recreating the missing spiritual dimension of the sexual experience.

This practice expands the human consciousness to the greatest extent and considerably enriches the knowledge of Man and the Universe. Tantra is much more than an old rediscovered wisdom from the East and much more than a theoretical science. Tantra is a practical path with clear steps, ready to be taken by the ones hungry to experience and understand the full potential of life.

Controlling the sexual energy

One of the Tantric, essential deeds, is to have full control over the sexual energy, which makes it possible to experience orgasms in the whole body without ejaculating. The orgasm and the ejaculation are 2 different mechanisms. The orgasm comes first with a great amount of energy and pleasure which can attract the ejaculation and therefore it is a general misunderstanding that these are one and the same process.

But a gradual training can separate these 2 mechanisms, which makes the man able to experience long lasting multiple orgasms, without loosing one drop of seamen and the woman to have deep orgasms without any discharge of energy. We can through the Tantric lovemaking build up more pleasure and intensity, which leaves us full of energy instead of being exhausted. On the contrary we will obtain and regenerate a lot of energy. And the communion in the couple relationship will become deeper and create more love and happiness. The man will become more masculine, be able to experience more pleasure, get control over his energy and be fully present with his woman. The woman will become more feminine, open herself for deeper orgasms, become able to let go and surrender to the man.

How to experience tantra through massage

The Tantra Massage is a deeply relaxing, rejuvenating and healing experience that awakens your sensitivity and energy, and increases your capacity to experience more pleasure.

In the Tantra Massage the erotic energy is awakened in a controlled way, where the energy is spread out in the body and used as a way to heal the body, mind and soul. In stead of loosing energy through ejaculation and explosive orgasms, you will learn to circulate and raise the erotic energy to even higher states of pleasure and be fully energized and satisfied on all levels.

Embarking upon the Tantric journey will lead us through unknown and very interesting regions inside our being. It is a journey of discovery in which we will discover the Whole Universe inside each of us.

In the last few decades, Tantra has awoken the curiosity of the West not so much as a spiritual method to access ecstatic and deeply spiritual experiences, but rather as a means to become an Olympian in the bedroom! Making love for hours in a row is a reality and a genuine art anyone can learn, with the condition the person is tenacious, patient and has will power. However, Tantra is not solely about being a Titan in the bedroom, nor about jumping upside down and contorting ourselves in gymnastic lovemaking positions, but it does open up the gateway to wonderful lovemaking, where there is more control, beauty and transfiguration, and we can access much more refined and sublime states of consciousness and we can reach a more elevated vision of reality. Tantra does not aim at breaking records, but is a very clear path to learn to manifest real love.

Those people who have experienced extraordinary, even ecstatic experiences during love making know that they feel much more than physical pleasure. It may occur as a unique experience or lived many times through lovemaking. There are people who many times in their lives experience spontaneous states of ecstasy ,but do not share these experiences, because they fear that others might consider them to be a little crazy, or that they are exaggerating. Sometimes this experience occurs during love making when a powerful orgasm or a profound mystical state develops. Sometimes, we don’t know how to describe this state, we ask if it actually happened or whether we were dreaming, but something tells us that indeed, this state is very real.

Although, many people believe that these experiences occur by chance, actually they are quite well defined structurally. If we know what to do we can achieve these states, through our own efforts and practice. There are certain ingredients and recipes which help to create this reality. During such experiences, there is a total merging of love and eroticism, which opens up the entrance to the ecstasy of pure love. We want you to know that mystical ecstatic experiences are not just for the saints and enlightened beings, but are accessible to everyone, as long as the techniques and wisdom are practised with clarity and discernment as expounded by the Ancient Tantric Teachings.

The Tantrics say there are certain human qualities that make the journey of self discovery much easier:

  • Curiosity: be like a curious child, free of any preconceived ideas and prejudices, seeking to discover the world – both inside and outside.

  • Enthusiasm.

  • Courage: when we approach areas unfamiliar to our previous experience we can be confronted with a daunted feeling. Having the courage to venture into the unknown will help you to make big steps.

  • Mental flexibility: Tantra is the path of saying ‘Yes’ to life. This requires a mental flexibility and the elimination of all prejudices and preconceived ideas, in order to embrace the full experience of what it has to offer.

Tantra is a revolutionary approach to life that offers us the idea to live life with intensity and awareness. With Tantra we go through life by saying “yes”. It is an attitude towards life, always staying open and alert to the deeper content of our experiences. It is a state of acceptance where we include and embrace life in order to expand the consciousness and horizons of our being. It is nowadays a common misunderstanding that Tantra is only a set of erotic exercises. The erotic part of Tantra is around 10 % of a whole science of how to live life. Therefore sexuality is a natural part of Tantra, just as natural as the wisdom of how to be happy and healthy. Tantra teaches that everything is energy and gives us understandings of how to use, increase and refine the energy in our lives in all areas.

The tantric approach on sexuality

Due to the enormous intensity of this erotic union, the consciousness of both partners develops and fuses, at the beginning between themselves and later with the Cosmic Consciousness. The indescribable beatitude then felt embraces all things and beings. Tantra is a genuine and exceptional path which puts sexuality in its right place, recreating the missing spiritual dimension of the sexual experience. This practice expands the human consciousness to the greatest extent and considerably enriches the knowledge of Man and the Universe.

Controlling the sexual energy

Essential in Tantra is to have full control over the sexual energy, making possible the experience of orgasms in the whole body without ejaculating. The orgasm and the ejaculation are two different mechanisms. The orgasm comes first with a great amount of energy and pleasure which can attract the ejaculation and therefore it is a general misunderstanding that these are one and the same process. But a gradual training can separate these two mechanisms, which makes the man able to experience long lasting multiple orgasms, without losing one drop of semen and the woman to have deep orgasms without any discharge of energy. We can through the Tantric lovemaking build up more pleasure and intensity, which leaves us full of energy instead of being exhausted.

How to experience tantra through massage

In the Tantra Massage the erotic energy is awakened in a controlled way, where the energy is spread out in the body and used as a way to heal the body, mind and soul.  Instead of losing energy through ejaculation and explosive orgasms, you will learn to circulate and raise the erotic energy to even higher states of pleasure and be fully energized and satisfied on all levels.