
Tantric Practitioners Training Calgary

If you ever wanted to enter the world of divine spiritual bliss and become a sacred healer and teacher of ancient sexual and spiritual secrets then Red Lotus Tantra is for you.

This highly charged, spiritual, energetic domain is for wonderful men and women who feel that sacred and spiritual sexuality is their calling. That they are able to pass on ancient and modern knowledge to assist people to better their lives, to enter into a more conscious state with their sexuality and educate them in techniques for ejaculation control, sexual enhancement, body dynamics, and a sensual Body Temple Massage.

Practitioner Training involves intense training in facets of Tantra, Massage, Energy work, Mental and Physical preparation, Chakras, Pranayama, Philosophy and history of Tantra and other essential areas of Tantra bodywork.

August 17–18, 2013

Please visiit the the below pages to learn more. This training is geared for temple positions at Red Lotus Tantra. Please fill out an application to be considered as a Temple Dakini with us.

Tantra Goddess Practitioners Training
& Temple Position

Training information & Details