The aim of Tantric massage is to achieve personal growth through pleasurable, physical touch. Traditional massage has become somewhat cold and impersonal and fails to treat the person as a whole. Tantra teaches you how to truly feel your body as it is being touched and aroused sexually, to be in the present moment, aroused and alive.

Tantra, in these traditions, is an ancient art, philosophy and science that teaches us how to transform sexual energy into a truly spiritual experience. Its origins date back some 5000 years to old Chinese and Indian Traditions. Tantra massage was one of the rituals taught in the Tantra’s ancient books of eroticism.

Tantric massages use essential oil, which is spread at body by special slow movement, which loosen energetic center in your body and lift up your mental condition. It heals, energizes and revitalizes the whole body.

Tantric Massage is a ritual of receiving sensual kundalini (sexual) energy. Whether a man or woman is receiving the massage, your entire body will be massaged, including certain sensual zones.

There is but one temple in the Universe, and that is the human body.

We touch heaven when we lay our hands on the human body. Today in the West Tantra has often com to mean Spiritual Sexuality or Sexual Spirituality.
Result of magic tantric massage is incommutable erotic experience and improvement your health, but it is also good cognition of own body and primarily, you learn how to take care about yourself!

Tantric massage is not for shallow sexual satisfaction, because this is even better!

The two people each have a job in a Tantric Massage. The receiver’s only job is to stay present to the touch that is being offered, and to breathe. This breath helps keep you in the present moment and also helps move the sexual kundalini energy through your whole body.

The giver can begin the massage with your lover lying on his or her belly, the most important thing is to touch more lightly and slowly than you are in the habit of doing. Begin the next stage of the massage with your hand resting in stillness on your partner’s heart. Bring your focus to the touch itself, and use the same circular breath that your partner is doing.

You want to touch your partner as if you are feeling a luxurious fur, and drinking in the sensations of how it feels to rub your hands along this fur. The sexual energy may rise and fall during the massage, but you will work your way around your partner’s whole body.

Whenever you catch yourself holding your breath, gently pause the massage and hold your hands still on your partner’s body.

When the massage comes to a conclusion offer a Namaste “The divine light in me salutes the divine light in you” by placing your hands in prayer on your heart, staying and cuddling and nibbling on the food you set out for yourselves after the massage is a perfect way to close the ritual.

If you would like to enjoy a Tantric massage, you should be learning to be a sexual being without going into fantasy or trancing out.
We can also expand the consciousness and reawaken the spiritual dimensions, dimensions that are difficult to connect with in the fast paced technological world we live in.
We can bring immense pleasure to another human being without the coldness of traditional therapy and outside the intimacies of sex. It is one of the most basic urges of the soul and is part of who and what we are. It is part of everybody.

Through religious constructs and attitudes passed down from generations, we have been conditioned to view sexuality as something perverse.

As a result we avoid touching the person’s whole being for fear that this practice be construed as potentially sexual. Yet sexuality is natural. In a safe, healing environment we can benefit immensely from sensitive, nurturing touch. When we let go of the sexual taboos and channel our sexual energy positively we can bring about healing.

It creates an environment in which you can release stress and feel more alive in your body while staying fully present to your sexual energy. The issue is that energetic massage loosens all your spiritual and bodily potential, which you can then use. They are spiritually connected and when life force energy flows freely through each one our consciousness is elevated and our spirituality is raised.

All living beings pulsate energy and in traditional Eastern philosophy humans possess seven energy centers, known as chakras s that span the spine from the crown chakra, located at the skull, to the root chakra, located at the perineum. In Tantra massage no body part or chakra is ignored, unless the client so wishes. It is the root chakra that represents sexual energy, or kundalini.

You will know each other better after our tantric massage at absolute darkness or after hugging and stroking therapy.
A professional Tantric Practitioner can help us rediscover our true sensuality. This is a group of female and male massage therapists trained in the fine art of Tantric Massage which is guaranteed to soothe you and give you the experience of a lifetime.For many years pleasurable, physical touch has been suppressed. We are taught that to touch near or around the erogenous areas is wrong and unprofessional. Those who practice hands on therapies are inevitably exposed to the same oppressive attitudes. But Tantra could be the most effective way to lifting up your physical and mental condition using very pleasant methods. Women can benefit from a deeper understanding of their sexuality and how to achieve orgasmic sensation.

It expands the consciousness and awakens the spiritual dimensions.
The aim is to raise life force energy to the highest possible in every moment. It is a combination of lovingly touching along with sensual and erotic massaging of your entire body including certain sensual areas that gently soothes the body along with its spiritual senses. It is a meditation, a dance and it time outside of time.

Through Tantric massage, we can reach our full potential and our lives can be greatly enriched with health, happiness and love.